Beck Orchestra Friends (BOF)

Beck Orchestra Friends ("BOF")

BOF supports administratively the Orchestra program (to free up the directors to focus more on teaching!), provides scholarships for private tutoring, and provides funding for instrument repair and replacement.

BOF has supplied the orchestra students with various supplies and opportunities since its inception in 2019. 

Please consider joining BOF. Memberships start at $25 per family. BOF Membership forms were included in the packet provided to students at the start of the school year and can be turned into the directors any time throughout the year! Checks can be made out to Beck Orchestra Friends.

Thank you to everyone who joined BOF this year! We hope you are enjoying your "perks" of membership!

BOF funds at work in the 2023-2024 School Year:


Scholarships Awarded for Lessons



Orchestra Students


Orchestra Students provided financial assistance with course fees, supplies, and/or instrument maintenance fees

Beck Orchestra Friends Officers 2024-2025

President - Tania Ahmad Ibrahim

VP Treasurer - Dennis Laviolette

VP Fundraising - Christine McNabb

Secretary - Marian Green

Volunteer Coordinator - Marwa Elhammady

Communications Chair - Samiah Khan

Spirit Wear Chair - Areeba Sadiq

Spirit Night Chair - Whitney Kinney

Concert Program Designer - Missy Boggs

Thank you to our Beck Orchestra Friends (BOF) Donors!

We appreciate your support!

2024-2025 Memberships

Loure Level Membership ($500+)

The Ibrahim Family

Marsha M. Murray

Sautille Level Membership ($250-$499)

AbdelAziz Family

Asaduddin Family

Kathra Wickam

Minerva Feldman

Marian & Lincoln Green

Carolina & Luis Hernandez

Mark & Tiffany Hughes

Sumbla Khan

Michael & Breanna Quinn

Cody & Tanna Sorrell

Louie K. Thane

Martele Level Membership ($100-$249)

David & Missy Boggs

Lucas & Jordan Cantu

Scott Cowan

Ducote Family

Rick & Lan Eckdahl

Gonzalez Family

Khavari Family

Bulent & Esra Mercan

Rao Family

Sousan Anbardan & Parviz Sarhaddi

Abraham Song

Stoddart Family

Tao Wu & Lan Yang

Detache Level Membership ($51-$99)

Sebastian Ayala

James & Holly Ballou

Nick & Michelle Carrejo

Ivy Connolly

Luis & Anna Cruz

Jeina & Uzoma Eze

Rebecca & Cesar Ayala

Theresa Espineli-Jenkins & Nathan Jenkins

The Jin Family

Olivia Li

Pitholi & Mayank Moudgil

Ole & Laura Ravneberg

Hong & Charles Soule

Carter Tran

Legato Level Membership ($25-$50)

Nydia Alvarado

Daniel & Gabriela Bollich

NevanHuan Bui

Marlitt Morillo & Buller Holder

Jeff & Whitney Kinney

Hunter & Alex Landers

Christopher Lankford

Rafael & Liscar Larrazabal

Sayak Majumdar

Andrea Mijangos

Roy Moore

Christian Nix

Andrew Park

Jeff & Aleks Siggers

Sungho & Sohyun Song

Fabio & Amy Song

Arvin Taherpour

Jia Gu & Wentao Wu

Yenugapalli Family

Jun & Weihan 

Wulan Nurindah & Agus Syafaat